HTML Living Standard | Living Standard | | - Constraint Validation
- Microdata API
- Browsing context (that is
_blank , ...) - Session History
- Offline Web Applications (appcache)
- Drag and Drop
| The HTML Elements. HTML element-related interfaces:
HTMLElement HTMLUnknownElement HTMLHtmlElement HTMLHeadElement HTMLTitleElement HTMLBaseElement HTMLLinkElement HTMLMetaElement HTMLStyleElement HTMLScriptElement HTMLBodyElement HTMLHeadingElement HTMLParagraphElement HTMLHRElement HTMLPreElement HTMLQuoteElement HTMLOListElement HTMLUListElement HTMLLIElement HTMLDListElement HTMLDivElement HTMLAnchorElement HTMLDataElement HTMLTimeElement HTMLSpanElement HTMLBRElement HTMLModElement HTMLImageElement HTMLIFrameElement HTMLEmbedElement HTMLObjectElement HTMLParamElement HTMLVideoElement HTMLAudioElement HTMLMediaElement HTMLSourceElement HTMLTrackElement HTMLCanvasElement HTMLMapElement HTMLAreaElement HTMLTableElement HTMLTableCaptionElement HTMLTableColElement HTMLTableSectionElement HTMLTableRowElement HTMLTableDataCellElement HTMLTableHeaderCellElement HTMLFormElement HTMLFieldSetElement HTMLLegendElement HTMLInputElement HTMLButtonElement HTMLSelectElement HTMLDataListElement HTMLOptGroupElement HTMLOptionElement HTMLTextAreaElement HTMLKeygenElement HTMLOutputElement HTMLProgressElement HTMLMeterElement HTMLDetailsElement HTMLMenuElement HTMLMenuItemElement HTMLDialogElement HTMLAppletElement (obsolete) HTMLMarqueeElement (obsolete) HTMLFrameSetElement (obsolete) HTMLFrameElement (obsolete) HTMLDirectoryElement (obsolete) HTMLFontElement (obsolete) Other DOM-related interfaces/events/... :
HTMLAllCollection HTMLFormControlsCollection HTMLOptionsCollection HTMLPropertiesCollection RadioNodeList DOMStringMap DOMElementMap ImageData ImageBitmap WindowEventHandlers Document.location Document.domain Document.referrer Document.cookie Document.lastModified Document.readyState Document getter? Document.title Document.dir Document.body Document.head Document.images Document.embeds Document.plugins Document.forms Document.scripts Document.getElementsByName() Document.getItems() Document.cssElementMap Document.currentScript (2x) Document.close() Document.write() Document.writeln() Document.defaultView Document.activeElement Document.hasFocus() Document.designMode Document.execCommand() Document.queryCommandEnabled() Document.queryCommandIndeterm() Document.queryCommandState() Document.queryCommandValue() Document.commands Document.onreadystatechange (+Document obsolete members) readystatechange (event) GlobalEventHandlers MediaError AudioTrackList VideoTrackList AudioTrack VideoTrack MediaController playing (event) waiting (event) ended (event) emptied (event) loadedmetadata (event) loadeddata (event) canplay (event) canplaythrough (event) durationchange (event) timeupdate (event) play (event) pause (event) ratechange (event) valuechange (event) TextTrackList addtrack (event) removetrack (event) TextTrack cuechange (event) TextTrackCueList TextTrackCue enter (event) exit (event) TimeRanges TrackEvent CanvasProxy CanvasRenderingContext2D CanvasGradient CanvasPattern TextMetrics DrawingStyle CanvasDrawingStyles Path CanvasPathMethods Screen.canvasResolution RelatedEvent anchor-point Window.window Window.self Window.document Window.location Window.history Window.locationbar Window.menubar Window.personalbar Window.scrollbars Window.statusbar Window.toolbar Window.status Window.close() Window.stop() Window.focus() Window.blur() Window.frames Window.length Window.opener Window.parent Window.frameElement getter WindowProxy getter Object Window.navigator Window.external Window.applicationCache Window.statusbar Window.alert() Window.confirm() Window.prompt() Window.print() Window.showModalDialog() Window.postMessage() BarProp Location History PopStateEvent popstate (event) PageTransitionEvent pageshow (event) pagehide (event) HashChangeEvent hashchange (event) BeforeUnloadEvent checking (event, manifest) noupdate (event, manifest) downloading (event, manifest) progress (event, manifest) cached (event, manifest) updateready (event, manifest) obsolete (event, manifest) error (event, manifest) WindowProxy (special) ApplicationCache NavigatorOnLine WindowTimers WindowBase64 WindowModal Navigator NavigatorID NavigatorLanguage NavigatorContentUtils NavigatoreStorageUtils External ImageBitmapFactories DataTransfer DataTransferItemList DataTransferItem DragEvent ErrorEvent MessageEvent (documented under WebSockets/WebSockets_reference ) MessageChannel MessagePort message (event) Events on any HTML*Element , Document and Window objects:
abort cancel canplay canplaythrough change click close contextmenu cuechange dblclick drag dragend dragenter dragexit dragleave dragover dragstart drop durationchange emptied ended input invalid keydown keypress keyup loadeddata loadedmetadata loadstart mousedown mouseenter mouseleave mousemove mouseout mouseover mouseup mousewheel pause play playing progress ratechange reset seeked seeking select show sort stalled submit submit suspend timeupdate volumechange waiting Events on any HTML*Element (except HTMLBodyElement and HTMLFrameSetElement ), Document and Window objects:
blur error focus load scroll Events on the Window objects:
afterprint beforeprint beforeunload fullscreenchange fullscreenerror hashchange message offline online pagehide pageshow popstate resize storage unload Events on the Document objects: readystatechange |
CSS | Variable | Getting Started | CSS Tutorials | The CSS3 page list them & the CSS Reference has the list of properties, functions, pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements. Some specifications also add APIs. CSS Fonts Module Level 3: CSSFontFaceRule CSSFontFeatureValuesRule Document.fontLoader CSSFontFaceLoadEvent FontLoader loading (event) loadingdone (event) loadstart (event) load (evnet) error (event) CSS Transitions: TransitionEvent transitionend (event) CSS Animations: AnimationEvent animationstart (event) animationend (event) animationiteration (event) CSSKeyframeRule CSSKeyframesRule CSS Conditional Rules Module Level 3: CSSGroupingRule CSSConditionRule CSSMediaRule (new inheritance) CSSSupportsRule CSS CSS Device Adaptation: CSSViewportRule CSS Custom Properties for Cascading Variables Module Level 1: CSSStyleDeclaration.CSSVariablesDeclaration CSSVariablesDeclaration |
EcmaScript | Variable | | | |
SVG | | | | |
WebGL | | | | |
MathML | | | | |
DOM | Living Standard | DOM Reference | | Attr CharacterData ChildNode Comment CustomEvent Document DocumentFragment DocumentType DOMError DOMImplementation DOMSettableTokenList DOMTokenList Element Event EventTarget Future HTMLCollection MutationObserver MutationRecord Node NodeFilter NodeIterator NodeList ParentNode ProcessingInstruction Text TimeRanges Treewalker XMLDocument |
CSS Object Model (CSSOM) | Working Draft | CSSOM | | MediaList Stylesheet CSSStylesheet StylesheetList Document.styleSheets Document.selectedStyleSheetSet Document.lastStyleSheetSet Document.preferredStyleSheetSet Document.styleSheetSets Document.enableStyleSheetsForSet() LinkStyle CSSRuleList CSSRule CSSCharsetRule CSSImportRule CSSMediaRule CSSFontFaceRule CSSPageRule CSSNamespaceRule CSSStyleDeclaration ElementCSSInlineStyle Window.getComputedStyle() Window.getDefaultComputedStyle() |
CSS Object Model (CSSOM) View Module | Working Draft | | | Window.matchMedia() Window.screen Window.innerHeight Window.innerWidth Window.scrollX Window.scrollY Window.pageXOffset Window.pageYOffset Window.scroll() Window.scrollTo() Window.scrollBy() Window.screenX Window.screenY Window.outerWidth Window.outerHeight MediaQueryList Screen Document.elementFromPoint() Document.caretPositionFromPoint() CaretPosition MediaList MediaQueryListListener HTMLElement.offsetParent HTMLElement.offsetTop HTMLElement.offsetLeft HTMLElement.offsetWidth HTMLElement.offsetRight Element.getClientRects() Element.getBoundingClientRect() Element.scrollIntoView() Element.scrollTop Element.scrollLeft Element.scrollWidth Element.scrollHeight Element.clientTop Element.clientLeft Element.clientWidth Element.clientHeight Range.getClientRects() Range.getBoundingClientRect() MouseEvent.screenX MouseEvent.screenY MouseEvent.pageX MouseEvent.pageY MouseEvent.clientX MouseEvent.clientY MouseEvent.x MouseEvent.y MouseEvent.offsetX MouseEvent.offsetY ClientRectList ClientRect |
Unknown (also in WHATWG HTML) | Unknown | | | WorkerGlobalScope DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope SharedWorkerGlobalScope AbstractWorker Worker SharedWorker WorkerNavigator WorkerUtils WorkerLocation |
Element Traversal Specification | Obsolete | | | ElementTraversal |
File API | Working Draft | | | File Blob FileList FileReader FileReaderSync |
Fullscreen API | Living Standard | | Using fullscreen mode | :fullscreen ::backdrop Element.requestFullscreen() Document.fullscreenEnabled Document.fullscreenElement Document.exitFullscreen() Document.onfullscreenchange() Document.onfullscreenerror() fullscreenchange (event) fullscreenerror (event) |
Indexed Database API | Recommendation | IndexedDB | Using IndexedDB Using IndexedDB in chrome | IDBDatabase IDBObjectStore IDBIndex IDBRequest IDBTransaction IDBFactory IDBKeyRange IDBCursor IDBObjectStoreParameters IDBIndexParameters IDBOpenDBRequest IDBVersionChangeEvent IDBEnvironment Window (new inheritance) WorkerUtils (new inheritance) IDBCursorWithValue IDBTransactionMode IDBCursorWithValueSync |
Web Audio API | Working Draft | | | AnalyserNode AudioBuffer AudioBufferSourceNode AudioContext AudioDestinationNode AudioListener AudioNode AudioParam audioprocess (event) AudioProcessingEvent BiquadFilterNode ChannelMergerNode ChannelSplitterNode complete (event) ConvolverNode DelayNode DynamicsCompressorNode ended (event) GainNode MediaElementAudioSourceNode MediaStreamAudioDestinationNode MediaStreamAudioSourceNode OfflineAudioCompletionEvent OfflineAudioContext OscillatorNode PannerNode ScriptProcessorNode WaveShaperNode WaveTable |
WebRTC 1.0: Real-time Communication Between Browsers | Candidate Recommendation | | | RTCConfiguration RTCIceServer RTCPeerConnection RTCError RTCSdpError RTCSessionDescription RTCIceCandidate RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent RTCDataChannel RTCDataChannelEvent RTCDTMFSender RTCToneChangeEvent MediaStreamEvent |
Media Capture and Streams | Candidate Recommendation | | | |
MediaStream Recording | Working Draft | | | MediaRecorder start (event) stop (event) dataavailable (event) pause (event) resume (event) error (event) warning (event) BlobEvent RecordingError |
Pointer Lock | Candidate Recommendation | | Pointer Lock API | pointerlockchange (event) pointerlockerror (event) Element.requestPointerLock Document.onpointerlockchange Document.onpointerlockerror Document.pointerLockElement Document.exitPointerLock() MouseEvent.movementX MouseEvent.movementY |
Vibration API | Recommendation | | Vibration API | Vibration window.navigator.vibrate() |
Battery Status API | Candidate Recommendation | Battery Status API | | window.navigator.battery BatteryManager chargingchange (event) chargingtimechange (event) dischargingtimechange (event) levelchange (event) |
Geolocation API | Recommendation | | Using geolocation | NavigatorGeolocation Geolocation window.navigator.geolocation Positions PositionOptions Coordinates PositionError Note that several of these interfaces are documented under window.navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition() |
DeviceOrientation Event Specification | Editor's Draft | | | deviceorientation (event)DeviceOrientationEvent compassneedscalibration (event) devicemotion (event) DeviceMotionEvent DeviceAcceleration DeviceRotationRate |
Screen Orientation API | Working Draft | | | Screen.orientation Screen.lockOrientation() Screen.unlockOrientation() Screen.onorientationchange orientationchange (event) |
Notifications API | Living Standard | | | Notification click (event) show (event) error (event) close (event) |
Ambient Light Sensor | Candidate Recommendation | | | window.ondevicelight DeviceLightEvent devicelight (event) |
Proximity Sensor | Working Draft | | | window.ondeviceproximity DeviceProximityEvent deviceproximity (event) window.onuserproximity UserProximityEvent userproximity (event) |
Web IDL | Candidate Recommendation | | | |
XMLHttpRequest | Living Standard | | | XMLHttpRequest XMLHttpRequestEventTarget XMLHttpRequestUpload loadstart (event) error (event) timeout (event) progress (event) abort (event) load (event) loadend (event) readystatechange (event) FormData |
High Resolution Time | Recommendation | | | DOMHighResTimestamp |
Unknown (also in WHATWG HTML) | Unknown | WebSockets WebSockets reference | Writing WebSocket client applications | WebSocket (documented under WebSockets/WebSockets_reference/WebSocket ) open (event) message (event) error (event) close (event) CloseEvent (documented under WebSockets/WebSockets_reference/CloseEvent ) |
Page Visibility (Second Edition) | Recommendation | | | Document.hidden Document.visibilityState visibilitychange (event) |
Timing control for script-based animations | Obsolete | | | Window.requestAnimationFrame() Window.cancelAnimationFrame() |
Unknown (also in WHATWG HTML) | Unknown | | | EventSource open (event) error (event) message (event) |
Network Information API | Draft | | | NetworkInformation Connection change (event) |
Unknown (also in WHATWG HTML) | Unknown | | | Storage WindowSessionStorage WindowLocalStorage storage StorageEvent |
Selectors API Level 1 | Obsolete | | | Document.querySelector() Document.querySelectorAll() DocumentFragment.querySelector() DocumentFragment.querySelectorAll() Element.querySelector() Element.querySelectorAll() |
Unknown | Unknown | | | ProgressEvent |
Typed Array Specification | Obsolete | | JavaScript Typed arrays | Int8Array Int16Array Int32Array Uint8Array Uint16Array Uint32Array Uint8ClampedArray Float32Array Float64Array , ... |
Gamepad | Working Draft | | | Gamepad window.navigator.getGamepads() GamepadEvent gamepadconnected (event) gamepaddisconnected |
Navigation Timing | Recommendation | | | PerformanceTiming PerformanceNavigation Performance window.performance |
WOFF File Format 1.0 | Recommendation | About the Web Open Font Format | | |
WebVTT: The Web Video Text Tracks Format | Candidate Recommendation | | | ::cue :past :future WebVTTCue |
WebSocket Protocol | | | | |
CORS | | | | |
HTTP | | HTTP | | |
TLS | | | | |
MediaFragment | | | | |
Link: header | | | | |
Content-Disposition: header | | | | |
URL | Living Standard | | | URLUtils URLUtilsReadOnly |