address so as a specific title or attribute
address someone as a specific title or attribute
1. to talk to or write to a person, using a particular title.
They addressed Abraham Lincoln as "Mr. President."
2. to treat a person you are talking with in a particular manner.
You should address him as your equal.
- accustomed to so or sth
- acknowledge (the) receipt of sth
- add sth up
- a diamond in the rough
- admit sth into sth
- advantage
- a fate worse than death
- a feeding frenzy
- afflict so with sth
- a foot in both camps
- A good man is hard to find.
- A good time was had by all.
- agree (with so) (about so or sth)
- air one's paunch
- a kick in the guts
- (all) for the best
- all over hell and half of Georgia
- all show and no go
- alphabet
- a milestone in so's life
- amount to much