a feeding frenzy
a feeding frenzy
1. Lit. [of sharks] a vicious, competitive feeding attack on prey animals.
One of the sharks was fatally bitten during a feeding frenzy amongst his own kind.
2. Fig. a vicious attack on someone or something.
It wasn't an office argument, it was a feeding frenzy led by the head accountant!
- adulterate
- a flash in the pan
- a handful
- a (little) short on one end
- All cats are gray in the dark.
- (all) for so or sth
- allow
- a load off one's mind
- along
- alternate
- amiss
- amount to sth
- and so on
- An empty sack cannot stand upright.
- annex to sth
- an open-and-shut case
- a pipe dream
- apologize (to so) (for so)
- a power play
- appetite
- application