accustomed to so or sth
*accustomed to someone or something and *accustomed to doing something
used to someone or something; used to or in the habit of doing something. (*Typically: be ~; become ~; grow ~.)
The children are accustomed to eating late in the evening.
- accidentally-on-purpose
- Act your age!
- adjust sth to sth
- a few cards short of a deck
- a few cards shy of a full deck
- affix
- a gold mine of information
- a grain of truth
- a growth opportunity
- a hell of a note
- ain't
- ain't got the sense God gave geese
- air one's grievances
- air sth out
- align oneself with so or sth
- all hours (of the day and night)
- all hell broke loose
- allot sth to so or sth
- all the way live
- a lot of so or sth
- also