afflict so with sth
afflict someone with something
1. Lit. to cause someone to suffer from a disease or disability.
The virus has aff licted everyone in the valley.
2. Fig. to burden someone with trouble.
We were aff licted with all the worry that comes with raising a teenager.
- account for sth
- a devil of a job
- admonish so for sth
- a dressing-down
- a feather in one's cap
- a head
- a kick in the ass
- a leap of faith
- A leopard cannot change his spots.
- all day long
- a losing streak
- a lot of promise
- a lucky break
- a match made in heaven
- a millstone about one's neck
- an act of God
- an in (with so)
- an itchy palm
- an offer one cannot refuse
- announce (one's support) for so or sth
- answer for so