all show and no go
all show and no go
Sl. equipped with good looks but lacking action or energy. (Used to describe someone or something that looks good but does not perform as promised.)
That shiny car of Jim's is all show and no go.
He's mighty handsome, but I hear he's all show and no go.
- A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
- After while(, crocodile).
- aground
- a growth opportunity
- (a)hold of so or sth
- a (little) nip in the air
- (all) in the family
- all oak and iron bound
- all of a sudden
- (all) over again
- all over (some place)
- all show and no go
- all the time
- a loose cannon
- always chasing rainbows
- ambulance
- a movable feast
- a (nervous) breakdown
- an itch to do sth
- announce
- answer the call