saptabodhyaga, also 七菩提宝, 七觉分, 七觉支, 七等觉支. Seven characteristics of bodhi; the sixth of the 七科七道品 in the seven categories of the bodhipakika dharma, v. 三十七菩提分 it represents seven grades in bodhi,viz,(1)择法觉支(or 择法菩提分 and so throughout), dharma-pravicaya-sabodhyaga, discrimination of the true and the fa1se : (2) 精进 vrya-sabodhyaga, zeal, or undeflected progress;(3) 喜prti-sabodhyaga., joy, delight; (4) 轻安 or 除 prarabdhi-sabodhyaga. Riddance of all grossness or weight of body or mind, so that they may be light, free, and at ease; (5) 念 smrti-sabodhyaga, power of remembering the various states passed through in contemplation; (6) 定 samdhi-sabodhyaga.the power to keep the mind in a given realm undiverted; (7) 行舍 or 舍 upek-sabodhyaga or upekaka, complete abandonment, auto-hypnosis, or indifference to all disturbances of the sub-conscious or ecstatic mind.