- a long fetch
- absentation
- absolute ether
- absolute gravity
- absorbent filter
- absorbing mechanism
- abstinency
- abstract invoice
- abstract language
- abstract painting
- abusage
- acantha
- accelerated leaching
- accelerating power
- acceptance letter of credit
- accepted tolerance
- accordion cable
- account executive
- accusatival
- acethydrazide
- acetobromamide
- acetylacetic ester
- acetylcarbromal
- achromatic correction spacer
- acid proof steel
- acid resisting enamel
- acorn cell
- acraldehyde
- acrostic
- acrotism
- acting head
- activated sludge bulking
- active army
- active defence
- active store
- active video bit
- actual flow velocity
- acuition
- acyanotic
- adaptive system theory
- add fuel to the flames
- additional extended coverage
- additional marshalling yard
- addorsal
- address buffer
- address sugar
- adelomorphic cell
- adexolin
- adhesional wetting
- adiabatic apparatus
- adipate
- adipocellulose
- adjacent sample
- adjag
- adjustable axle
- adjustable controller
- adjustment class
- adjustmentphase
- administer relief
- administrator of property
- Administrivia
- admiral's mate