- ablutomania
- absolute precision
- absorber cooler
- Ac = actinium
- acceleration transducer
- accessibility burn
- acetate voile
- acid-proof raglan sleeves
- acortan
- Acrawax
- acrylic fiber blend
- actinic-green glass
- acute rheumatic fever
- addendum
- adiabatic invariant of eddy
- adiposis
- adjustable capacitor
- adjustable impedance type ballast
- adjustable sprinkler
- admissible pressure
- admixer
- adsorber
- advent behavior
- aerial attack
- aerodynamic angle of incidence
- aerosol filling machine
- aerothermochemistry
- aesthesia
- aesthetic ideal
- affective domain
- affective melancholia
- after purification
- afterimage
- Agefa
- agglutometer
- aggregate bin
- agrimoninum
- agrotechnique
- aikinite
- ailurophobia
- air and gas mixer
- air booster
- air camera
- air cleaning
- air exhauster
- air leakage
- air plasma cutter
- air pollution control device
- air rig
- air shock wave
- air space paper core cable
- air textured yarn
- air traffic control interlock
- air-driven shovel
- airborne direction finder
- airborne teletype set
- akinesia
- Akrit
- alanyl
- Alaska
- Albert twill
- albian stage
- alcoholdehydrogenase