/ˈeɪpɪʃ; `epɪʃ/ adj (usu derog 通常作贬义) 1 of or like an ape; stupid 猿的; 像猿的; 愚蠢的. 2 imitating sb in a foolish way 傻里傻气地模仿某人的: His apish devotion irritated her. 他那惺惺作态的愚忠使她恼火.
/ˈeɪpɪʃ; `epɪʃ/ adj (usu derog 通常作贬义) 1 of or like an ape; stupid 猿的; 像猿的; 愚蠢的. 2 imitating sb in a foolish way 傻里傻气地模仿某人的: His apish devotion irritated her. 他那惺惺作态的愚忠使她恼火.
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