三糖三糖[sān táng]1.■trisaccharide
常用词组1.■三糖酶 trisaccharidase
- 一叶萩醇 securinol;
- 一平二调
- 一般线性群 general linear groups;
- 一花独放
- 一路货色
- 一雄多雌
- 一雨成秋
- 一饮而尽
- 万能升降台铣床 universal knee-and-column milling machine;
- 万能接头 universal contact;
- 三尺之冰非一日之寒
- 三氯硝基甲烷 trichloronitromethane; chloropicrin;
- 三相六线制 three-phase six-wire system;
- 三维形态 three-dimensional configuration;
- 三角焊缝 angle fillet;
- 三轴基准 three-axis reference;
- 三辊万能式轧机 three-high universal mill;
- 上下交困
- 上下配穴 {中医} coordination of the acupoints of the upper with those of the lower, superior-inferior point association;
- 上升时间校正 rise-time correction;
- 上午