一路货色一路货色[yī lù huò sè]1.■be of the same mould [stock; kind; brand; stripe]; be tarred with the same brush; be tweedledum and tweedledee; cut from the same cloth; goods of a kind; (to be) two faces of one coin
- 一件
- 一层膜 a skim;
- 一维流动 one-dimensional flow;
- 丁砖
- 丁菲羊齿
- 万向节
- 三元系
- 三度红斑 third-degree erythema;
- 三昧
- 三班
- 三相半波整流电路 three-phase half wave rectifier circuit;
- 三硫化二砷 orpiment; auripigmentum; {无化} arsenic trisulfide;
- 三角曲线 trigonometric curve;
- 三角肌炎 deltoiditis
- 三进制存储单元 ternary cell;
- 三魂六魄
- 上吸
- 上消
- 上诉要件 important conditions of appeal;
- 上车场
- 上颚片 conjunctivus;