一雨成秋一雨成秋[yī yǔ chéng qiū]1.■A sudden shower turns the lingering heat into the brisk cool air of autumn.; After a rainfall the weather turns cool as if it were autumn.
- 一小时
- 一次成巷掘进 simultaneous driving and supporting;
- 一级图像混合器 A-B cut mixer;
- 一级导弹 one-stage missile;
- 一群家禽 a flock;
- 丁字形螺栓 T-slot bolt;
- 万向节机构 universal-joint mechanism;
- 三元羧酸 tricarboxylic acid;
- 三好学生
- 三级控制 three-step control;
- 三角圆环 cam ring;
- 三角形褶裥 vee;
- 三角波发生器 triangle generation;
- 三角簧 triangular spring;
- 三醇
- 三重平面型晶体管 triple planar transistor;
- 三重接合 triple junctions;
- 三重轴 triad; triad axis;
- 上凸形坡 convex slope
- 上单翼
- 上循环