一饮而尽一饮而尽[yī yǐn ér jìn]1.■toss off the cup; Down the hatch!; drain the cup with one gulp; drink clean at one gulp; drink off [up] at [in] a [one] draft [draught]; drain the cup [glass; bowl]; drink the whole in one draft [breath]; drink up in one swallow; empty one's cup in one gulp; swallow at one gulp; take one's drink at a gulp; toss one's glass back at a gulp
- 一所
- 一拳一脚
- 一次起动 one push start;
- 一生受用
- 一般递归函数 general recursive function;
- 三井
- 三价钛 titanous;
- 三基色
- 三尖瓣前尖 cuspis anterior valvulae tricuspidalis; cuspis ventralis;
- 三尾鱼
- 三层办公桌 three-decker;
- 三态现象 trimorphism;
- 三氯化铁腐蚀剂 ferric chloride etchant;
- 三胺
- 三能级激光结构 three-level laser configuration;
- 三臂联胎 tribrachius
- 三角形天帆 sky-gazer;
- 三角控制网 trigonometric framework;
- 三阳开泰
- 上升泉 rising water;
- 上告