(a)hold of so or sth
*(a)hold of someone or something
1. Lit. [get/have] a grasp of someone or something. (*Typically: get ~; have ~; take ~.)
I got hold of him and dragged him back from the edge just in time.
I took ahold of his hand and held on tight.
2. Fig. [get/have] contact with someone or something; [get/have] the location of someone or something. (*Typically: get ~.)
I got hold of a replacement part in Peoria. They are shipping it to us today.
Try to get ahold of a plumber, would you?
3. Fig. [get/have] contact with someone or a group on the telephone. (*Typically: get ~.)
I got hold of her just as she was going out the door.
I was able to get ahold of the factory and cancel the order.
- abound with so or sth
- advertise for so or sth
- affair
- a firm hand
- After you.
- a good bet
- aground
- ahold
- Aim for the stars!
- a late bloomer
- a leg up on so
- alight
- align
- a line on so or sth
- all around Robin Hood's barn
- all better (now)
- all over the earth
- All right(y) already!
- altogether
- A man is known by the company he keeps.
- angle for sth