all oak and iron bound
all oak and iron bound and *sound as a barrel
Rur. in good health; feeling good. (*Also: as ~.)
Tom: How are you today? Bill: All oak and iron bound, thank you.
Jane made a wonderful recovery from her surgery, and now she's as sound as a barrel.
- acclimatize
- a chink in one's armor
- affair
- a fire under so
- agonize (oneself) over so or sth
- a helluva so or sth
- a knee-jerk reaction
- A leopard cannot change his spots.
- allocate
- allow so or sth into a place
- (almost) jump out of one's skin
- a man of few words
- amuse so with sth
- an end in itself
- angle for sth
- an itch to do sth
- another pair of eyes
- appear to so that...
- apply sth to sth
- arch
- (Are you) feeling okay?