against so or sth
*against someone or something
1. in opposition to someone or something; in competition with someone or something. (*Typically: be ~; run ~; stand ~.)
I am against everything you stand for.
She ran against me in the election.
2. to the disadvantage of someone or something; in opposition to someone or something. (*Typically: be ~; go ~; run ~; turn ~.)
When did the trial go against us?
- a done deal
- a fine state of affairs
- after the style of so or sth
- a go at sth
- a hand with sth
- a helping hand
- a learning experience
- a licking
- allocate sth to so or sth
- all of a size
- all oak and iron bound
- all of a sudden
- all show and no go
- a loose cannon
- a lot of give-and-take
- a matter of life and death
- an absent-minded professor
- another pair of eyes
- a past master at sth
- appear
- Appearances can be deceiving.