appear as sth
appear at some place
appear at some time
appear before so
appear before sth
appear for so
appear in court
appear in sth
appear out of nowhere
appear to be rooted to the spot
appear to so
appear to so that...
appear under the name of some name
appear (up)on sth
the naked eye
Talk of the devil (and he is sure to appear).
- acclimate
- a den of iniquity
- again and again
- agree (with so) (about so or sth)
- a hand in sth
- a handle on sth
- a hush fell over so or sth
- a king's ransom
- a little bit (of sth)
- alive with people or things
- all dressed up and nowhere to go
- all over (some place)
- altar
- a mine of information
- and so forth
- angry
- an in (with so)
- another pair of eyes
- ants in one's pants
- anybody
- A penny saved is a penny earned.