a (little) short on one end
a (little) short on one end
Rur. short.
You'll recognize Bill right away. He's got red hair, and he's a little short on one end.
He's not small; he's just short on one end.
The barber cut my hair a little short on one end.
- accompany so on a journey
- accustomed to so or sth
- advance
- advertise sth for a price
- a glutton for punishment
- a growth experience
- a hell of a so or sth
- aid
- aim
- ain't particular
- air one's belly
- a labor of love
- (all) het up
- allot sth to so or sth
- (all) tuckered out
- alongside (of) so or sth
- also
- American as apple pie
- A miss is as good as a mile.
- a mixed bag
- amok