(a)long about a certain time
along in years
along similar lines
along these lines
along those lines
along with so or sth
amble along (sth)
barrel along
bounce along
breeze along
bring so or sth along (to sth)
bump along
buzz along
carry so along (with so)
carry so along (with sth)
carry sth along (with so)
chug along
coast along
come along (with so)
crawl along sth
creep along sth
cut along sth
dawdle along
dodder along
drift along
ease so or sth along
flow along
get along
go along
help so along
How is so getting along?
hurry so or sth along
(I) have to be moving along.
(I) have to move along.
(I) have to run along.
(I'm) (just) plugging along.
inch along (sth)
inch one's way along sth
inch oneself along sth
jog along
lope along
lumber along
make one's way along sth
move along
muddle along
nurse so or an animal along
nurse sth along
pass sth along (to so)
play along (with so or sth)
plod along
poke along
pound along sth
pour along sth
puff along
push along
push so or sth along
putt along
roll along
run along
sail along (sth)
saunter along
scamper along
scrape along (on sth)
scurry along
send so or sth along
sing along (with so or sth)
slide along
slither along
snake along
string along (with so)
string so along
struggle along under sth
struggle along (with so or sth)
sweep along
tag along (after so)
take so or sth along
tear along
toddle along
trail (along) (after so or sth)
trip along
trot along
trudge along
tumble along
urge so along
walk along
work one's way along sth
zip along
zoom along
- ace in(to sth)
- a feather in one's cap
- aground
- a hard row to hoe
- a leap of faith
- a late bloomer
- a learning experience
- align oneself with so or sth
- a little steep
- alive with people or things
- (all) dolled up
- all manner of so or sth
- all oak and iron bound
- all the way
- all things being equal
- alternate with sth
- a marked man
- a man of the cloth
- a marriage made in heaven
- a marvel to behold
- announce