apologize (to so) (for so)
apologize (to someone) (for someone)
to make an apology to someone for someone else's actions.
Would you please apologize to Wally for Tom?
I apologized for Frank to the hostess.
I had to apologize for Frank.
I had to apologize to the hostess.
He was never able to apologize to himself for his past errors.
- acquainted with sth
- adjourn to some place
- again
- a head start (on so)
- a household name
- a leap of faith
- align
- a lost cause
- a Mecca for so
- a milestone in so's life
- and all that jazz
- angle for sth
- a pipe dream
- a place of concealment
- a quick temper
- a put-up job
- arrow
- a run for one's money
- a sense of humor
- ask for a knuckle sandwich
- ask after so