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止于盛夏 2025-02-05 04:41:06

alt +单击您想要光标的位置

Alt + Click where you want the cursor


止于盛夏 2025-02-04 21:44:03


 crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.stretch,


crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start


I think if you use this

 crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.stretch,

instead of this

crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start

then it will work.


止于盛夏 2025-02-04 16:34:09

php_admin_value [auto-prepend_file]php_admin_value [auto-append_file]
php_admin_value [auto_prepend_file]php_admin_value [auto_append_file]

Apologies, I found the problem, which was a typo:
php_admin_value[auto-prepend_file] and php_admin_value[auto-append_file]
should be
php_admin_value[auto_prepend_file] and php_admin_value[auto_append_file]
ie. I had a dash instead of an underscore.

apache+ php-frm,池中的php_value语句

止于盛夏 2025-02-03 22:43:50
  public static MyClass myFunction(MyClass myClass1, MyClass myClass2) {
    List<MyClass> list = List.of(myClass1,myClass2);
    return list.stream().max(Comparator.comparing(MyClass::getIntVal))
  public static MyClass myFunction(MyClass myClass1, MyClass myClass2) {
    List<MyClass> list = List.of(myClass1,myClass2);
    return list.stream().max(Comparator.comparing(MyClass::getIntVal))


止于盛夏 2025-02-03 21:13:24

这是一个带有实际3x1结构数组的示例,带有共享字段“ mainarray”“ real1”“ rere2”“ real3”:

--> ABC = struct("mainarray",zeros(3,3),"real1",1,"real2",2,"real3",3)
 ABC  =
  mainarray: [3x3 constant]
  real1 = 1
  real2 = 2
  real3 = 3

--> ABC(2).mainarray = grand(3,4,"uin",0,9); ABC(2).real1=%pi; ABC(2).real2 = %e; ABC(2).real3 = %i
 ABC  =
  2x1 struct with fields:
  ["mainarray", "real1", "real2", "real3"]

--> ABC(3) = struct("mainarray", eye(3,5), "real1",8,  "real2", 10, "real3", 13)
 ABC  = 
  3x1 struct with fields:
  ["mainarray", "real1", "real2", "real3"]

--> ABC(3)
 ans  =
  mainarray: [3x5 constant]
  real1 = 8
  real2 = 10
  real3 = 13

--> ABC.real1
 ans  =
  (1) = 1
  (2) = 3.1415927
  (3) = 8

--> ABC.mainarray
 ans  =
  (1) : [3x3 constant]
  (2) : [3x4 constant]
  (3) : [3x5 constant]

--> ABC(2).mainarray
 ans  =
   2.   5.   9.   3.
   2.   4.   5.   5.
   4.   1.   8.   5.

--> ABC(2).mainarray(:,2)
 ans  =


--> ABC = struct("mainarray",{zeros(3,3),grand(3,4,"uin",0,9), eye(3,5)}, ..
                 "real1",{1,%pi,8}, "real2",{2,%e,10}, "real3",{3,%i,13})
 ABC  = 
  1x3 struct with fields:
  ["mainarray", "real1", "real2", "real3"]

--> ABC(2)
 ans  =
  mainarray: [3x4 constant]
  real1 = 3.1415927
  real2 = 2.7182818
  real3 = %i

The title speaks about cells, while the description speaks about structures. Cells and structures are 2 distinct types of data container.
Here is an example with an actual 3x1 array of structures with shared fields "mainarray" "real1" "real2" "real3":

--> ABC = struct("mainarray",zeros(3,3),"real1",1,"real2",2,"real3",3)
 ABC  =
  mainarray: [3x3 constant]
  real1 = 1
  real2 = 2
  real3 = 3

--> ABC(2).mainarray = grand(3,4,"uin",0,9); ABC(2).real1=%pi; ABC(2).real2 = %e; ABC(2).real3 = %i
 ABC  =
  2x1 struct with fields:
  ["mainarray", "real1", "real2", "real3"]

--> ABC(3) = struct("mainarray", eye(3,5), "real1",8,  "real2", 10, "real3", 13)
 ABC  = 
  3x1 struct with fields:
  ["mainarray", "real1", "real2", "real3"]

--> ABC(3)
 ans  =
  mainarray: [3x5 constant]
  real1 = 8
  real2 = 10
  real3 = 13

--> ABC.real1
 ans  =
  (1) = 1
  (2) = 3.1415927
  (3) = 8

--> ABC.mainarray
 ans  =
  (1) : [3x3 constant]
  (2) : [3x4 constant]
  (3) : [3x5 constant]

--> ABC(2).mainarray
 ans  =
   2.   5.   9.   3.
   2.   4.   5.   5.
   4.   1.   8.   5.

--> ABC(2).mainarray(:,2)
 ans  =

A similar 1x3 array can be initialized with a single line of code:

--> ABC = struct("mainarray",{zeros(3,3),grand(3,4,"uin",0,9), eye(3,5)}, ..
                 "real1",{1,%pi,8}, "real2",{2,%e,10}, "real3",{3,%i,13})
 ABC  = 
  1x3 struct with fields:
  ["mainarray", "real1", "real2", "real3"]

--> ABC(2)
 ans  =
  mainarray: [3x4 constant]
  real1 = 3.1415927
  real2 = 2.7182818
  real3 = %i


止于盛夏 2025-02-03 16:30:18

虽然可以与3D投影(MPLOT3D)一起使用紧密和约束的布局,但似乎受约束的布局不了解如何填充3D tick标签,从而导致重叠或修剪标签。两个布局经理都会调整子图填充物和轴尺寸,并给定固定的数字尺寸。两者都无法将图形大小适合内容。为了通过紧密的布局这样做,请在多个迭代中从当前图形的Bbox中推断所需的图形大小。使用受约束的布局管理器时,将轴紧密的bbox和填充总和以确定任何外部空间。紧密布局调整子图(轴大小和图形填充),并支持“ H_PAD”和“ W_PAD”参数。约束布局调节轴的大小,并支持“ WSPACE”,“ HSPACE”,“ W_PAD”和“ H_PAD”参数。紧密的布局将子图挤入一个紧密的组中,然后以可用空间为中心。受约束的布局在所有可用空间上均匀分布了子图。不管布局管理器如何,如果滴答重叠或凝聚得太紧,请将tick定位器切换为“ maxnlocator”,以获取一些较小的“ n”。

根问题是3D投影式标签是空的,直到绘制完整的画布为止。受约束布局管理器执行的“ _DRAW_DISABLE”绘图不足以触发tick标签。如果跟踪轴紧密的bbox,您会注意到它们不包含标签,直到呼叫“ Fig.Canvas.Draw”,在此之前,tick标签只是“文本(0,0,'')”。确保在尺寸大小后包含此调用,然后将布局按预期限制。鉴于固定的宽度,请根据美学设置高度或用填充轴将轴紧密的boxs汇总以确定最小可能的高度。

While both tight and constrained layouts can be used with 3d projection (mplot3d) it seems that constrained layout does not understand how to pad 3d tick labels, leading to overlapping or trimmed labels. Both layout managers adjust subplot padding and axes size given a fixed figure size. Neither can fit the figure size to the contents. To do so with tight layout, extrapolate the desired figure size from the current figure tight bbox over multiple iterations. When using the constrained layout manager, sum the axes tight bboxes and padding to determine any extraneous space. Tight layout adjusts subplotpars (axes size and figure padding) and supports "h_pad" and "w_pad" parameters. Constrained layout adjusts axes size and supports "wspace", "hspace", "w_pad", and "h_pad" parameters. The tight layout squeezes subplots into a tight group which is then centered in the available space. The constrained layout distributes subplots evenly across all available space. Regardless of the layout manager, if the ticks overlap or are clustered too tightly, switch the tick locator to "MaxNLocator" for some smaller "n".

The root problem is that the 3d projection tick labels are empty until a full canvas draw. The "_draw_disabled" draw performed by the constrained layout manager isn't sufficient to trigger the tick labels. If you trace the axes tight bbox you'll notice they don't include the labels until after a call to "fig.canvas.draw", before then the tick labels are just "Text(0, 0, '')". Be sure to include this call after sizing the figure and then the layout will be constrained as expected. Given a fixed figure width, set the height based on aesthetics or sum the axes tight bboxes with padding to determine the minimum possible height.


止于盛夏 2025-02-03 14:53:58

amatreader 应用程序能够执行此类导入,只需安装,然后转到apps&gts&gts&gts&gt ; amatreader&gt;导入矩阵文件

aMatReader application is able to perform such import, just install it then go to Apps > aMatReader > Import Matrix Files


止于盛夏 2025-02-03 11:26:29


<AddProduct.Provider value={{handleAddProduct:handleAddProduct,handleRemoveProduct:handleRemoveProduct}}>


const { handleRemoveProduct,handleAddProduct } = useContext(AddProduct);

Actually it is very easy. instead of passing one parameter as value pass it as object as below

<AddProduct.Provider value={{handleAddProduct:handleAddProduct,handleRemoveProduct:handleRemoveProduct}}>

like this and in your code where you want to use these function just do like this

const { handleRemoveProduct,handleAddProduct } = useContext(AddProduct);


止于盛夏 2025-02-03 00:27:52

看来这只是VS代码的坚固性扩展。它无法读取重新映射,因此在尝试导入时会引发错误。但是,当我使用 bronwie compile 编译合同时,它可以正常工作。

It seems this is just the solidity extension on vs code. It can't read the remapping so it throws an error when trying to import. However, when I compile the contract using bronwie compile it works.


止于盛夏 2025-02-02 18:02:17



@eslint/eslint/eslintrc - &gt; 1.2.2(问题始于1.2.3)

ESLINT - &GT; 8.14.0(问题开始于8.15.0)

I started having this problem too after updating eslint packages to the latest.
In my project, downgrading them to these versions solves the compilation errors:

With @angular/fire being on v.7.3.0:

@eslint/eslintrc --> 1.2.2 (problem started on 1.2.3)

eslint --> 8.14.0 (problem started on 8.15.0)

找不到名称&#x27; PhoneOroAuthTokenResponse&#x27;在Angular 13中的燃箱集成期间

止于盛夏 2025-02-02 15:06:31



The goal of bundling your code is to reduce network round trips caused by nested imports. So if you want to separate your .env file you need an additional request to fetch that file. Think of that, it is the same as calling an API request. So wrapping your .env variables on an API is an easier option.

In case you still want to place a separate .env file on your server, it is not related to Vue actually. You can just manually or automatically (depending on what server you are using) put your file on your server and fetch it from Vue code via relative/absolute path.


止于盛夏 2025-02-02 12:22:40


# create output matrix outside of loops, fill with NA
pairwise_distance <- matrix(NA, nrow(df1), nrow(df2))

# loop through both dfs
for (i in 1:nrow(df1)){
  for (j in 1:nrow(df2)){
  pairwise_distance[i, j] <- geosphere::distGeo(
    c(df1[i, "Latitude"], df1[i,"Longitude"]), 
    c(df2[j, "Latitude"], df2[j,"Longitude"])) 
# for each row
# attach the column index of the distance matrix 
# (correspondens to house index in df2) with the 
# minimum value to df1 as new variable `nearest_house_id` 
df1$nearest_house_id <- apply(pairwise_distance, 1, which.min)
# also attach corresponding (minimum) distance
df1$nearest_house_distance <- apply(pairwise_distance, 1, min)
# Hope you want it this way around.


One naive approach would be the following

# create output matrix outside of loops, fill with NA
pairwise_distance <- matrix(NA, nrow(df1), nrow(df2))

# loop through both dfs
for (i in 1:nrow(df1)){
  for (j in 1:nrow(df2)){
  pairwise_distance[i, j] <- geosphere::distGeo(
    c(df1[i, "Latitude"], df1[i,"Longitude"]), 
    c(df2[j, "Latitude"], df2[j,"Longitude"])) 
# for each row
# attach the column index of the distance matrix 
# (correspondens to house index in df2) with the 
# minimum value to df1 as new variable `nearest_house_id` 
df1$nearest_house_id <- apply(pairwise_distance, 1, which.min)
# also attach corresponding (minimum) distance
df1$nearest_house_distance <- apply(pairwise_distance, 1, min)
# Hope you want it this way around.

Please consider this answer as first input only. Probably, it needs to be adjusted to missing values or unique matching or sth like that. In addition, it is quite verbose.


止于盛夏 2025-02-02 08:29:08



这是文档: https://developer.apple.apple.com/documentation com.com/documentation/documentation/foundation/foundation/foundation/userdefaults

the timer is reset and the countdown starts again

You could try to play with UserDefaults to store variables in the device's memory.

Here is the Documentation : https://developer.apple.com/documentation/foundation/userdefaults


止于盛夏 2025-02-01 18:57:07


.status-sign {

    width: 12px;

    height: 12px;

    border-radius: 100%;
    margin: 0 auto;

    background-color: rgb(50, 255, 50);
.status-text {
    text-align: center;
<div class="status-online">
      <div class="status-sign"></div>
      <div class="status-text">Çevrimiçi</div>

Just add margin: 0 auto; to center the status-sign and text-align:center to center your status-text.

.status-sign {

    width: 12px;

    height: 12px;

    border-radius: 100%;
    margin: 0 auto;

    background-color: rgb(50, 255, 50);
.status-text {
    text-align: center;
<div class="status-online">
      <div class="status-sign"></div>
      <div class="status-text">Çevrimiçi</div>


止于盛夏 2025-02-01 17:20:02





不同的类通常取决于其他对象工作。像ViewModels一样,取决于存储库来获取数据(MVVM Arch)。初始化期间通过依赖关系的过程可能会很麻烦,尤其是在项目后期,如果您想更改存储库的实现。



Dependency Injection is something very different. Comparing using Singletons with lazy and Hilt is like comparing apples with oranges.

What is Lazy Initialization?

Lazy Initialization is when you want to create an object only when it is first used in the application. If the variable is never used, it will not create it to save memory and improve performance.

What is Dependency Injection?

Different classes often depend on other objects to work. Like ViewModels depend on repositories in order to fetch data (MVVM arch). The process of passing dependencies during initialization can be troublesome, especially later in the project if you want to change the implementation of the repository.

Dependency Injection makes your life easier by generating the boilerplate code behind the scenes to pass in the dependencies wherever required instead of you manually creating it.

In your example, there is no question of comparison between the two. If you are including Dagger Hilt in your project, you use the second way. If you aren't, then the first.





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