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走过海棠暮 2024-12-08 01:51:39

当您使用 301(永久移动)状态代码进行重定向时,它最终将从 Google 中消失。

When you redirect using a 301 (moved permanently) status code, it will disappear from Google eventually.

从 Google 上的网址中删除 PHP 脚本

走过海棠暮 2024-12-08 00:22:32

在使用 transferTo(...); 之前尝试使用 outChannel.force(true);

try using outChannel.force(true); before using the transferTo(...);

复制的 android db 文件为空

走过海棠暮 2024-12-07 22:33:01


        private string lastMoveResult = string.Empty;
        private string lastGeniusResult = string.Empty;

        private void submit_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (((String)submit.Content) == "Submit")
                lastMoveResult = Move();
                submit.Content = "Wait for Genius...";
                uReload.IsEnabled = false;
                uFire.IsEnabled = false;
                uShield.IsEnabled = false;
                lastGeniusResult = Genius();
            else if (((String)submit.Content) == "Go!")
                GeniusSpeak.Text = "";
                OutcomeDesc.Text = "You have " + lastMoveResult + " and Genius has " + lastGeniusResult ;
                Outcome.Text = "ANOTHER ROUND...";
                submit.Content = "Continue";

Store the last results in data members:

        private string lastMoveResult = string.Empty;
        private string lastGeniusResult = string.Empty;

        private void submit_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (((String)submit.Content) == "Submit")
                lastMoveResult = Move();
                submit.Content = "Wait for Genius...";
                uReload.IsEnabled = false;
                uFire.IsEnabled = false;
                uShield.IsEnabled = false;
                lastGeniusResult = Genius();
            else if (((String)submit.Content) == "Go!")
                GeniusSpeak.Text = "";
                OutcomeDesc.Text = "You have " + lastMoveResult + " and Genius has " + lastGeniusResult ;
                Outcome.Text = "ANOTHER ROUND...";
                submit.Content = "Continue";


走过海棠暮 2024-12-07 16:27:45

IE 9 在“标准模式”下支持 ::after::before (带有两个冒号)符号。在“怪异模式”下,情况并非如此。可以按如下方式进行测试:

p::after  {  
  content: "***AFTER***";  
<p>Hello world 

这里 CSS 规则被忽略,因为 IE 9 进入怪异模式。但是,如果您在一开始添加以下行,IE 9 就会进入标准模式,并且 CSS 规则生效:

<!doctype html>

在 IE 9 中, 怪异模式,不支持新的 CSS 功能(大多数既不在 CSS 2.1 中也不在 IE 旧版本中的功能)。在怪异模式下,IE 9 也不支持旧的单冒号符号 :after:before。它在“IE 8 模式”下支持它们(但不支持两个冒号版本),您可以在开发人员工具 (F12) 中手动选择、在“文档模式”菜单中或使用标签 < 在文档级别选择;meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=8">

IE 9 supports the notations ::after and ::before (with two colons) in “standards mode”. In “quirks mode”, it does not. This can be tested e.g. as follows:

p::after  {  
  content: "***AFTER***";  
<p>Hello world 

Here the CSS rule is ignored, because IE 9 goes to quirks mode. But if you add the following line at the very start, IE 9 goes to standards mode and the CSS rule takes effect:

<!doctype html>

It is common in IE 9 that in quirks mode, new CSS features (most features that are neither in CSS 2.1 or in the IE legacy) are not supported. In quirks mode, IE 9 does not support the old one-colon notations :after and :before either. It supports them (but not the two-colon versions) in “IE 8 mode”, which you can select in developer tools (F12) manually, in the “document mode” menu, or at document level using the tag <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=8">.

IE9 是否支持 CSS3 ::before 和 ::after 伪元素?

走过海棠暮 2024-12-07 16:08:32


I found out how to do what I am doing except it is not exactly the complete solution to the QUESTION it is the solution to my problem. All I had to do was the image view I wanted on the top right corner of the image view being rotated had to be added as a subview of the image rotated and moved by an offset to be at the corner.

旋转后如何获取 UIImageView 右上角的坐标?

走过海棠暮 2024-12-07 10:53:29

我可能会首先使用将文本转换为列向导在 | 分隔符上拆分数据。
在 Excel 2007 中,位于数据选项卡上的数据工具组,然后选择文本到列。指定 其他:| 作为分隔符。


I'd probably split the data first on the | delimiter using the convert text to columns wizard.
In Excel 2007 that is on the Data tab, Data Tools group and then choose Text to Columns. Specify Other: and | as the delimiter.

From the sample data you posted it looks like after you do this the numbers will all be in the same columns so you could then just delete the columns you don't want.


走过海棠暮 2024-12-07 10:35:00



chrome.extension.sendRequest({fetch: true}, function(response) {


chrome.extension.onRequest.addListener(function(request, sender, sendResponse) {
  if (request.fetch){

Maybe you could interact with the background page to fetch data asynchronously:


chrome.extension.sendRequest({fetch: true}, function(response) {


chrome.extension.onRequest.addListener(function(request, sender, sendResponse) {
  if (request.fetch){

如何在 Chrome 扩展程序弹出窗口显示后触发事件?

走过海棠暮 2024-12-07 04:33:51

我终于找到了问题的根源:我有一个名为 stat.py 的文件,这显然与 Lib/stat.py 产生了冲突,

我只是不明白为什么 pyDev 的行为与 python.exe 不同

I have finally found out where the problem came from: I had a file called stat.py and this is apparently creating a conflict with Lib/stat.py

Unfortunately the error message was very obscure.
And I just don't understand why pyDev behaves differently than python.exe

PyDev:致命错误 Python32\lib\io.py,第 60 行,在

走过海棠暮 2024-12-06 23:21:58


Did you restart apache? Sometimes it's necessary.

致命错误:允许的内存大小 67108864 字节已耗尽

走过海棠暮 2024-12-06 22:24:56

MySQL INNODB 从 v5.7 开始提供有关来自 INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_TEMP_TABLE_INF 的临时表的一些信息,但它仅显示服务信息,而不显示有关表结构或名称的详细信息

| TABLE_ID | NAME         | N_COLS | SPACE      |
|     1066 | #sql569_1c_4 |      4 | 4243767290 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


MySQL INNODB from v5.7 provides some information about temporary tables from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_TEMP_TABLE_INF but it shows only service information without details about table structure or name

| TABLE_ID | NAME         | N_COLS | SPACE      |
|     1066 | #sql569_1c_4 |      4 | 4243767290 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


MYSQL 临时表 - 如何查看活动表

走过海棠暮 2024-12-06 21:11:13

切点和切面仅适用于 Spring bean,如果它是普通的 java 对象,则 spring 无法拦截任何方法调用,因为它没有被代理。请为您的服务器类创建一个 spring bean,它应该可以正常工作。

创建 Spring bean 后,您可以使用 flex:remoting-destination 通过 blaze DS 公开该 bean

Point cuts and aspects only works for Spring beans, if it is plain java object spring cannot intercept any method calls as it is not proxied. Please create a spring bean for your server class and it should be working fine.

Once you created the spring bean you can expose the bean through blaze DS using flex:remoting-destination

Spring 与 BlazeDS 全局方法安全性不起作用

走过海棠暮 2024-12-06 15:40:18

如果您有套接字句柄,请使用 select() WinSock API函数

If you have a socket handle, use select() WinSock API function.

此 C 代码使用的 select_wait() 函数在哪里?

走过海棠暮 2024-12-06 15:32:51


<ComboBox Name="theCombo" ... />
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=SomeSlowProperty, ElementName=theCombo, IsAsync=True}" />

You could try to use an async binding:

<ComboBox Name="theCombo" ... />
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=SomeSlowProperty, ElementName=theCombo, IsAsync=True}" />

WPF、MVVM 和异步工作

走过海棠暮 2024-12-06 13:03:01


Turns out I was missing the policy merge modules.





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