grid-template-columns - CSS: Cascading Style Sheets 编辑

The grid-template-columns CSS property defines the line names and track sizing functions of the grid columns.


/* Keyword value */
grid-template-columns: none;

/* <track-list> values */
grid-template-columns: 100px 1fr;
grid-template-columns: [linename] 100px;
grid-template-columns: [linename1] 100px [linename2 linename3];
grid-template-columns: minmax(100px, 1fr);
grid-template-columns: fit-content(40%);
grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 200px);
grid-template-columns: subgrid;
grid-template-columns: masonry;

/* <auto-track-list> values */
grid-template-columns: 200px repeat(auto-fill, 100px) 300px;
grid-template-columns: minmax(100px, max-content)
                       repeat(auto-fill, 200px) 20%;
grid-template-columns: [linename1] 100px [linename2]
                       repeat(auto-fit, [linename3 linename4] 300px)
grid-template-columns: [linename1 linename2] 100px
                       repeat(auto-fit, [linename1] 300px) [linename3];

/* Global values */
grid-template-columns: inherit;
grid-template-columns: initial;
grid-template-columns: unset;


Indicates that there is no explicit grid. Any columns will be implicitly generated and their size will be determined by the grid-auto-columns property.
A <custom-ident> specifying a name for the line in that location. The ident may be any valid string other then the reserved words span and auto. Lines may have multiple names separated by a space inside the square brackets, for example [line-name-a line-name-b].
A non-negative length, giving the width of the column.
Is a non-negative <percentage> value relative to the inline size of the grid container. If the size of the grid container depends on the size of its tracks, then the percentage must be treated as auto.
The intrinsic size contributions of the track may be adjusted to the size of the grid container and increase the final size of the track by the minimum amount that would result in honoring the percentage.
Is a non-negative dimension with the unit fr specifying the track’s flex factor. Each <flex>-sized track takes a share of the remaining space in proportion to its flex factor.

When appearing outside a minmax() notation, it implies an automatic minimum (i.e. minmax(auto, <flex>)).

Is a keyword representing the largest maximal content contribution of the grid items occupying the grid track.
Is a keyword representing the largest minimal content contribution of the grid items occupying the grid track.
minmax(min, max)
Is a functional notation that defines a size range greater than or equal to min and less than or equal to max. If max is smaller than min, then max is ignored and the function is treated as min. As a maximum, a <flex> value sets the track’s flex factor. It is invalid as a minimum.
Is a keyword that is identical to maximal content if it's a maximum. As a minimum it represents the largest minimum size (as specified by min-width/min-height) of the grid items occupying the grid track.

Note: auto track sizes (and only auto track sizes) can be stretched by the align-content and justify-content properties.

fit-content( [ <length> | <percentage> ] )
Represents the formula min(max-content, max(auto, argument)), which is calculated similar to auto (i.e. minmax(auto, max-content)), except that the track size is clamped at argument if it is greater than the auto minimum.
repeat( [ <positive-integer> | auto-fill | auto-fit ] , <track-list> )
Represents a repeated fragment of the track list, allowing a large number of columns that exhibit a recurring pattern to be written in a more compact form.
masonryThis is an experimental API that should not be used in production code.
The masonry value indicates that this axis should be laid out according to the masonry algorithm.
The subgrid value indicates that the grid will adopt the spanned portion of its parent grid in that axis. Rather than being specified explicitly, the sizes of the grid rows/columns will be taken from the parent grid’s definition.

The masonry value is from Level 3 of the Grid specification and currently only has an experimental implementation behind a flag in Firefox.

The subgrid value is from Level 2 of the Grid specification and currently only has implementation in Firefox 71 and onwards.

Formal definition

Initial valuenone
Applies togrid containers
Percentagesrefer to corresponding dimension of the content area
Computed valueas specified, but with relative lengths converted into absolute lengths
Animation typesimple list of length, percentage, or calc, provided the only differences are in the values of the length, percentage, or calc components in the list

Formal syntax

none | <track-list> | <auto-track-list> | subgrid <line-name-list>?

<track-list> = [ <line-names>? [ <track-size> | <track-repeat> ] ]+ <line-names>?
<auto-track-list> = [ <line-names>? [ <fixed-size> | <fixed-repeat> ] ]* <line-names>? <auto-repeat> [ <line-names>? [ <fixed-size> | <fixed-repeat> ] ]* <line-names>?
<line-name-list> = [ <line-names> | <name-repeat> ]+

<line-names> = '[' <custom-ident>* ']'
<track-size> = <track-breadth> | minmax( <inflexible-breadth> , <track-breadth> ) | fit-content( [ <length> | <percentage> ] )
<track-repeat> = repeat( [ <positive-integer> ] , [ <line-names>? <track-size> ]+ <line-names>? )
<fixed-size> = <fixed-breadth> | minmax( <fixed-breadth> , <track-breadth> ) | minmax( <inflexible-breadth> , <fixed-breadth> )
<fixed-repeat> = repeat( [ <positive-integer> ] , [ <line-names>? <fixed-size> ]+ <line-names>? )
<auto-repeat> = repeat( [ auto-fill | auto-fit ] , [ <line-names>? <fixed-size> ]+ <line-names>? )

<track-breadth> = <length-percentage> | <flex> | min-content | max-content | auto
<inflexible-breadth> = <length> | <percentage> | min-content | max-content | auto
<fixed-breadth> = <length-percentage>

<length-percentage> = <length> | <percentage>


Specifying grid column sizes


<div id="grid">
  <div id="areaA">A</div>
  <div id="areaB">B</div>


#grid {
  display: grid;
  width: 100%;
  grid-template-columns: 50px 1fr;

#areaA {
  background-color: lime;

#areaB {
  background-color: yellow;



CSS Grid Layout
The definition of 'grid-template-columns' in that specification.
Candidate RecommendationInitial definition
CSS Grid Layout Module Level 2
The definition of 'subgrid' in that specification.
Working DraftAdds subgrid
CSS Grid Layout Module Level 3
The definition of 'masonry layout' in that specification.
Editor's DraftAdds masonry

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also

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