Tri, trayas; three.Triratna, or Ratnatraya, i.e. the Three Precious Ones: 佛 Buddha, 法 Dharma, 侩 Sagha, i.e. Buddha, the Law, the Ecelesia or Order. Eitel suggests this trinity may be adapted from the Trimrti, i.e, Brahma, Viu, and Sva. The Triratna takes many forms, e.g. the Trikya 三身 q.v. There is also the Nepalese idea of a triple existence of each Buddha as a Nirva-Buddha, Dhyni-Buddha, and Mnui-Buddha; also the Tantric trinity of Vairocana as Nirva-Buddha, Locana according to Eitel "existing in reflex in the world of forms", and the human Buddha, kyamuni. There are other elaborated details known as the four and the six kinds of triratna 四 and 六种三, e.g. that the Triratna exists in each member of the trinity. The term has also been applied to the 三仙 q.v. Popularly the 三 are referred to the three images in the main hall of monasteries. The centre one is kyamuni, on his left Bhaiajya 药师 and on his right Amitbha. There are other explanations, e.g. in some temples Amitbha is in the centre, Avalokitevara on his left, and Mahsthmaprpta or Majur on his right. Table of Triratna, Trikya, and Trailokya: -- DHARMA SAGHA BUDDHAEssential Bodhi Reflected Bodhi Practical BodhiDhyni Buddha Dhyni Bodhisattva Mnu BuddhaDharmakya Sambhogakya NirmakyaPurity Completeness Transformations4th Buddha-ketra 3rd Buddha-ketra 1st and 2nd Buddha ketraArpadhtu Rpadhtu Kmadhtu.The thrice repeated procession around an image; there is dispute as to which shoulder should be next to the image, v. 右绕.