sauvastika, 塞缚悉底迦; also styled 室利□□rvatsa, lucky sign, Viu's breast-curl or mark, tr. by 海云 sea-cloud, or cirrhus. Used as a fancy form of 万 or 万; and is also written in a form said to resemble a curl. It is the 4th of the auspicious signs in the footprint of Buddha, and is a mystic diagram of great antiquity. To be distinguished fromsvastika, the crampons of which turn to the right.Translit.kha, alsokhya,ga,gha,khu,khi; cf. □, 喀, 吃, 呵, 珂, 恪, □; it is used to represent 虚空 space, empty. Skt.khainter aliameans "sky", "ether".M020011 Translit. forh, which is interpreted as thebodhi, or omniscience, of all Buddhas.The ancient state of Bin, south-west Shanxi; translit.p, e. g. in Pramaitryaputra □祁文陀弗, Anthapiada 阿那□抵, etc.To gape; translit.kha.da. Call; stutter; translit.ta.To laugh; to bite. Translit.t.Chi, name of the concubine of Huang Ti; translit.g.Take, lay hold of; translit. ford,n; e. g.dmara, to affright (demons); v. 荼.Fragrant.To steam; advance; all.See under Eleven Strokes.o;au; 'a word of solemn affirmation and respectful assent (sometimes translated by yes, verily, so be it, and in this sense compared with Amen). 'M. W. It is 'the mystic name for the Hindu triad', and has other significations. It was adopted by Buddhists, especially by the Tantric school, as a mystic spell, and as an object of meditation. It forms the first syllable of certain mystical combinations, e. g. □?呢叭 061971 □o mai padme hu, which is a formula of the Lamaistic branch, said to be a prayer to Padmapani; each of the six syllables having its own mystic power of salvation from the lower paths of transmigration, etc.; the formula is used in sorcery, auguries, etc.; other forms of it are □?呢头迷□; □□讷铭□.Confused, stupefied.pattra; □多叶 the palm-leaves used for writing; the□多树 is erroneously said to be theborassus flabelliformis, described as 60 or 70 feet high, not deciduous, the bark used for writing.A snare; impediment; cause of anxiety, anxious.A flail.To clear the throat; translit.u, cf. 郁, 乌, 温, 优.(□罗)utpala, the blue lotus; the 6th cold hell.To and fro, to roll: translit.bha,va.A cave.Glance; lustrous; translit.a.Rustle, move, rush; translit.s.The threads of beads or gems which hang, front and back, from the ceremonial square cap.To and fro; translit.kha; cf. 竭; 轲.vitasti, a span; the 32,000th part of ayojana.Red socks.v. 苏svh.Bite, eat, feed on; a bite, morsel; to lure.Boastful, bragging; self-indulgent; indulgent; translit.ko,kau,go,gau; cf. 瞿, , 拘, 巨.krodha;pratigha;dvea; one of the six fundamentalkleas, anger, ire, wrath, resentment, one of the three poisons; also called □恚.The root of the nose, the brow; a saddle; translit.a,an,ar, cf. 阿.Tranquil, content.To go round, revolve around, encompass; to pay respect by walking around the object of regard.A fishing net (of hair) translit.k,c,r.A thin metal plate.Translit.c,j,k,g, sounds.A scabbard;,ve,vai,vya,bhi,bhya,be; cf. 毗, 吠, 韦.A potation, or drinking: a secret or private drinking; private.Translit.kiindaki, which means a donation, gift, e.g. □施; □物; □财; □资; □金; □钱 cf. 哒,ro,l,lo, v. 庐.A metal chime.markaa, □猴 a monkey, typical of the mind of illusion, pictured as trying to pluck the moon out of the water; also of the five desires; of foolishness; of restlessness.A stork.A head-dress, coiffure; a chaplet, wreath, etc.; idem 末利.Translit.kamin □罗kambala, a woollen garment, or blanket.sthla. course, rough, crude, unrefined, immature.