/əbˈstenʃn; əb`stɛnʃən/ n (a) [U] ~ (from sth) abstaining, esp not using one's vote at an election 弃权(尤指不投选票). (b) [C] instance of this 弃权票: five votes in favour of the proposal, three against and two abstentions 五票赞成该项提议, 三票反对, 两票弃权.
/əbˈstenʃn; əb`stɛnʃən/ n (a) [U] ~ (from sth) abstaining, esp not using one's vote at an election 弃权(尤指不投选票). (b) [C] instance of this 弃权票: five votes in favour of the proposal, three against and two abstentions 五票赞成该项提议, 三票反对, 两票弃权.
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