一年之计在于春一年之计在于春[yī nián zhī jì zài yú chūn]1.■The whole year's work depends on a good start in spring.; make the plans for the year in spring; Spring is the best time to do the year's work.; The work for the year is best begun in spring.:一年之计在于春,一日之计在于晨。Make your whole year's plans in spring, and your day's plan early in the morning.
- 一步
- 一粒棋子
- 一道
- 万里长征
- 三列齿兽
- 三基色信号 tristimulus signals;
- 三次幂 third power; cube;
- 三氯化硼 boron chloride; {无化} boron trichloride;
- 三点悬挂式机具 three-point-mounted machine;
- 三稳态
- 三线双交换 three strands double crossing-over;
- 三维控制 three-dimensional control;
- 三角堰 triangular-notch weir; V-notch weir;
- 三角桁架 English truss;
- 三角级数 trigonometric series;
- 三轴海棉纲 triaxonida;
- 三通阀
- 三邱
- 上中心
- 上吸
- 上好