一道一道[yī dào]1.■ (一同; 一路) together; on the same path; side by side; alongside:咱们一道走吧。Let's go together.他和几个朋友一道来的。He came along with some friends.2.■ (一个) a; one:一道题a problem
常用词组1.■一道闪电 streak of lightening
- inferior to (in rank, social position, importance, quality, etc.)
- 一次纤维导丝板 primary filament comb guides;
- 一次采油可采储量 primary reserve;
- 一般吸收 general absorption;
- 一饱眼福
- 丁肾素
- 七擒七纵
- 七曜
- 万应药
- 三元合金钢 ternary steel
- 三十二进制
- 三思而行
- 三相发电机 three-phase generator; three-wire generator;
- 三端线路 three-terminal line;
- 三维声纳 three-dimensional sonar;
- 三角形分布 triangular distribution;
- 三轮车 tricycle; tricar; three-wheeler; three-wheel cart; velo; trishaw; trisha; pedicab; tri-truck
- 上皮囊肿 epidermal cyst;
- 上腹痛
- 下冲程 down stroke;
- 下地