万里长征万里长征[wàn lǐ cháng zhēng]1.■go on a journey of thousands of miles; a long march of ten thousand li; the Long March
- 䦶
- 一整套技术
- 一时激动
- 一晌
- 一衣带水
- 一逆
- 三倍字长工作 {自} triple-length working
- 三原色比色计 trichrometric colorimeter;
- 三氯(甲)硅烷 trichlorosilane;
- 三端启动器 three-point starter;
- 三维形态 three-dimensional configuration;
- 三维显示阴极射线管 peritron;
- 三胎妊娠 triplet pregnancy
- 三腿形
- 三角-三角形接法 delta-delta connection;
- 三角分解 triangular factorization;
- 三角箱 cam box;
- 三角腔 delthyrial cavity;
- 三轮齿轴 third pinion;
- 三辊(式)钢板轧机 three-high plate mill;
- 上下文有关文法 context-sensitive grammar;