不克分身不克分身[bù kè fēn shēn]1.■be unable to leave what one is doing at the moment; cannot get away
- 一口咬定
- 一声不吭
- 一级教师 the first-grade teacher;
- 一组问题 a basket; questionary;
- 一阶时滞 time lag of first order;
- 丁字形骨折 T-shaped fracture;
- 七级风
- 万物簇生
- 万能摇臂钻床 universal radial drill;
- 三月
- 三相感应电动机 three-phase asynchronous motor; three-phase induction motor;
- 三糖
- 三线(式)发电机 three-wire generator; Dobrowolsky generator;
- 三角套筒 cam sleeve;
- 三角孔 delthyrium;
- 三角学家 trigonometer
- 三角形磁场 delta field;
- 三角槽铁 vee block;
- 三角测量定位法 triangulation location;
- 三角测高法 trigonometric level1ing;
- 三重同型态 isotrimorphism;