一口咬定一口咬定[yī kǒu yǎo dìng]1.■cling to one's view; accuse definitely; assert emphatically [categorically]; state categorically; stick to what one says:他一口咬定当时不在现场。He stated categorically that he was not at the scene of the crime.
- 一在天上, 一在地下
- 一时
- 一次性尿布 disposable diaper;
- 一胎四儿 quadruplets;
- 一胎六儿 sextuplets;
- 一荣俱荣, 一损俱损
- 丁字形角焊 T-filled weld;
- 丁字形钢轨 Vignole's rail;
- 万变不离其宗
- 万能挂钩 universal drawbar;
- 万能材料试验机 universal testing machine;
- 三位字节 triplet
- 三思而行
- 三次方程问题 cubic problem;
- 三氯醋酸 trichloroacetic acid;
- 三相 E 形铁心 three-phase E-core;
- 三级矿量 explored ore reserve;
- 三纲五常
- 三维流动 three-dimensional flow; flow in three dimensions;
- 三菱
- 三角座星云 {天} Triangulum Nebula;