一衣带水一衣带水[yī yī dài shuǐ]1.■a narrow strip of water; a river like a belt in width; be connected by a stream; be continuous to each other; be joined by a strip of water; be separated (from) by a mere strip of water; be separated (from...) by a scarcely perceptible creek; be separated only by a strip of water:一衣带水的邻邦close neighbours separated by only a strip of water
- 一类物资 means of production in Category ; Supplies under Category Ⅰ; class Ⅰ materials
- 一粒棋子
- 一维
- 一言不留
- 一言一行
- 一阶近似 first approximation;
- 一面
- 万向转塔铣床 milling machine with universal turret head machine;
- 万能供血者 universal donor;
- 万能接头 universal contact;
- 万能镗床 universal borer;
- 三价疫苗 trivalent vaccine
- 三位一体 (基督教) the Trinity; (三者联为一体) trinity; three forming an organic whole; three in one;
- 三尖形 trinacriform;
- 三心二意
- 三态控制 tristate control;
- 三旬九食
- 三杂合体
- 三老四严
- 三苯基甲醇 triphenylcarbinol;
- 三行区十进数 unpacked decimal;