三辊(式)钢板轧机 three-high plate mill;
- 一次通过 single pass; one shot;
- 丁醛糖 aldotetrose
- 万能剪冲床 universal shearing and punching machine;
- 万能强度试验机 universal strength tester;
- 万马奔腾
- 三向测站 tripartite station;
- 三段烧结 three-stage sintering;
- 三空位
- 三纲五常
- 三线
- 三维组装 three-dimensional package
- 三联可变电容器 triple variable capacitor; triple variable condenser;
- 三联接头 joint between three members;
- 三角形解法 solution of a triangle; triangle computations; solution by a triangle;
- 上
- 上供
- 上升点 rising point;
- 上台
- 上客
- 上寒下热
- 上岸证明书 landing certificate