一言堂一言堂[yī yán táng]1.■What I say goes.; One person alone has the say.; deciding everything by one man's say; One person lays down the law.; practice of “what I say counts”; rule by the voice of one man alone; What one person says goes.:要搞 “群言堂”, 不搞“一言堂”。Let all have a say, not just one.
- 一匙
- 一江春水向东流
- 一脸凶相
- 一般型曲面 surface of general type;
- 一道
- 七月猎犬 July hound;
- 万众欢腾
- 万向节十字头 cross connecting piece; universal joint cross;
- 三岔路口
- 三度投影 trimetric projection;
- 三次收敛 cubic convergence;
- 三类物资贸易中心 trade-centre for third-category commodities
- 三老五更
- 三联单 triplicate form;
- 三臂联胎 tribrachius
- 三角圆环 cam ring;
- 三角尖锉 knife gin saw file;
- 三角布绷带 cravat;
- 三角形缺口 vee;
- 三角洲沉积 delta deposit;
- 三角铰子 kreplach; kreplech; creplich;