万众欢腾万众欢腾[wàn zhòng huān téng]1.■The people dance for joy.; The whole nation is elated.; Ten thousands people are overjoyed.:消息传来,万众欢腾。Millions of people rejoiced at the news.普天同庆,万众欢腾。Universal celebrations are held and the whole nation is in elation.
- 一杯净土
- 一次泛音 first overtone;
- 一马平川
- 丁若
- 七情
- 七高八低
- 万事起头难
- 万福
- 三体雄蕊 triadelphous staments;
- 三公九卿
- 三原色印刷 process colour; three-colour process
- 三尖饰 trisul;
- 三层抹灰 render float and set;
- 三枪三束彩色显像管 three-beam colour picture tube;
- 三检制
- 三点西文活字 minnikin;
- 三相感应调节器 three-phase induction regulator;
- 三端 P-N-P-N 型晶体管开关 three-terminal P-N-P-N transistor switch
- 三等离子体离子源 triplasmatron;
- 三角法 trigonometry;
- 三通管 three-way pipe; single sweep tee; T-branch (pipe); three-limb tube;