
ADJ. brief, short | blow-by-blow, comprehensive, detailed, full, graphic, vivid He gave us a blow-by-blow account of the incident.| accurate, clear, eyewitness, factual, first-hand, true, verbatim | glowing, good She received a glowing account of her son's progress.| newspaper the newspaper account of the trial
VERB + ACCOUNT give (sb), provide (sb with), write (sb) Can you give us an account of what happened?
PREP. in an/the ~ Dr Richards describes this very well in his account of the events.
PHRASES by all accounts (= according to what people say) I've never been there, but it's a lovely place by all accounts.| by sb's own account By his own account he had an unhappy childhood.
arrangement with a bank
ADJ. bank, building society | current | deposit, investment, savings | personal | business | joint, separate My husband and I have separate accounts.| numbered They have a numbered account in Switzerland.
VERB + ACCOUNT have, hold Go and see the manager of the bank where your account is held.| open She opened a savings account at the building society.| close | credit sth to, pay/put sth into The money will be credited to your account tomorrow.| debit (sth from), draw sth out (of), pay sth from, take sth out (of), withdraw sth (from) She had taken all her money out of her account.| overdraw Your account is overdrawn.
PREP. ~ at He opened an account at a bank in Germany.| ~ with an account with Barclays Bank
accounts: record of money a business earns/spends
VERB + ACCOUNT do, keep Try to keep accurate accounts.| audit, check, look at | submit Your accounts will need to be submitted to the tax office.
ACCOUNT + VERB be in order The accounts are all in order.
Special page atBUSINESS
arrangement with a shop/business
ADJ. expense (= an arrangement to charge expenses to your own employers) taking clients for expense account lunches
VERB + ACCOUNT have | open I'd like to open an account, please.| close | pay off, settle It is best to settle the account each month. | charge sth to, debit (sth from), put sth onCharge this to my account, please.| credit sth to
PREP. on ~ Ring for a cab on account.| ~ at/with an account with a large store

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