nounfact of attracting/being attracted
ADJ. fatal, irresistible, obvious, powerful, strong | mutual They shared a powerful mutual attraction.| gravitational, magnetic, physical, sexual
VERB + ATTRACTION feel the strong attraction that she felt for him| see I could now see the attraction of a steady job and regular income.| have, hold Long holidays hold no attraction for him.| exert All matter exerts a gravitational attraction.
PREP. ~ between the attraction between two people| ~ to/towards His attraction to you is obvious.
PHRASES the centre of attraction Sophie was plainly the centre of attraction in the room.sth that attracts people
ADJ. added, big, chief, great, main, major, obvious, special, star The main attraction of the place is the nightlife.| popular, tourist
VERB + ATTRACTION have A freelance career has the attraction of flexibility.| be, prove Feeding the animals proved a popular attraction for visitors to the farm.
PREP. for The lack of heat was an attraction for cyclists.