nounserious request for sth youneed/want very much
ADJ. desperate, emergency, emotional, urgent | direct | fresh, further a fresh appeal for witnesses to come forward| mute She gazed at him in mute appeal.
VERB + APPEAL issue, make They made a direct appeal to the government for funding.
PREP. ~ for an appeal for help| ~ to an appeal to reasonformal request to sb in authority
ADJ. formal, personal
VERB + APPEAL bring, file, lodge, make He's lodged an appeal against the size of the fine.| win | lose | allow (formal), consider, hear The judge has agreed to allow his appeal. The court will hear the appeal on 10 June.| uphold His appeal was upheld and he was released immediately.| deny, dismiss, reject, throw out, turn down
APPEAL + VERB fail | succeed
APPEAL + NOUN court, tribunal | hearing | judge | procedure, process, system
PREP. on ~ On appeal, it was held that the judge was correct.| under ~ a case currently under appeal| ~ against an appeal against his conviction of fraud| ~ for an appeal for leniency| ~ to an appeal to the High Court
PHRASES a court of appeal, give/grant sb leave to appeal, grounds of appeal, pending appeal The players have been suspended pending appeal.| a right of appeal You have the right of appeal to the Consitutional Court.event for raising money
ADJ. charity, fund-raising | radio, television
VERB + APPEAL hold, launch An appeal is to be launched on behalf of the refugees.| back, support
APPEAL + VERB raise sth The radio appeal raised over three million pounds.
APPEAL + NOUN fundattraction/interest
ADJ. considerable, great, growing, obvious, powerful, special, strong | immediate, instant the book's immediate apeal to young children| limited, little | broad, mass, popular, universal, wide a publication designed for mass appeal| aesthetic, commercial, electoral, intellectual, sex, visual Unfortunately, the film lacks commercial appeal.
VERB + APPEAL have, hold His views hold no appeal for me.| broaden, extend, widen We are trying to broaden the appeal of classical music.| lose
APPEAL + VERB lie in sth His considerable appeal lies in his quiet, gentle manner.
PREP. ~ for School lost its appeal for her in the second year.