noungroup of people watching/listening to sth
ADJ. big, capacity, large, mass, packed, vast, wide The museum is trying to attract a wider audience.| select, small | appreciative, enthusiastic, receptive, sympathetic | hostile | captive | potential, target | cinema, live, radio, studio, television
VERB + AUDIENCE address, perform to, play to He prefers playing to live audiences.| attract, draw, pull in Such a well-known politician should draw a big audience.| reach We want to reach a target audience that's younger in age.| captivate, grip, thrill The film has thrilled audiences throughout the country.| move The audience was visibly moved.
AUDIENCE + VERB applaud, cheer The audience cheered loudly.| boo, jeer | laugh
AUDIENCE + NOUN participation
PREP. before/in front of an/the ~ He felt nervous standing up in front of the large audience.formal meeting with a very important person
ADJ. private
VERB + AUDIENCE have | ask for, request, seek | give sb, grant sb The Pope granted him an audience.
PREP. ~ with He sought a private audience with the Queen.