nounforward movement
ADJ. rapid | Allied, British, German, etc.
VERB + ADVANCE make The regiment made an advance on the enemy lines.| order The general ordered an advance to the front line.| halt, resist, stop
PREP. on ~ the advance on Leningrad| to ~, towards ~ the Russian advance towards Berlindevelopment
ADJ. big, considerable, dramatic, enormous, great, spectacular, substantial, tremendous | important, major, notable, remarkable, significant | rapid, steady rapid advances in science and technology| recent | economic, educational, medical, political, scientific, social, technical, technological | theoretical
VERB + ADVANCE make We need more money if we are to make any further advances in this area of science.
PREP. in ~ two major advances in orthopaedic medicine| on ~ an advance on the existing techniques| towards ~ an advance towards a better understanding of Godmoney
ADJ. large | cash
VERB + ADVANCE give, pay The publishers have paid me an advance.| get, receive
PREP. ~ of an advance of£10,000| ~ on He was paid£5,000 as an advance on royalties.advances: sexual
ADJ. amorous, sexual
VERB + ADVANCE make He made amorous advances to one of his students.
PREP. ~ to