
feeling of being annoyed
ADJ. deep, great, intense A look of deep annoyance crossed his face.| obvious She tapped the table with her pen in obvious annoyance.
QUANT. flicker A flicker of annoyance crossed his face.| surge He felt a violent surge of annoyance.
VERB + ANNOYANCE cause He had been causing annoyance to the other guests.| feel I felt some annoyance when he told me his plans.| express, show She tried not to show her annoyance.| conceal, hide
PREP. in ~ He shook his head in annoyance.| with ~ Her cheeks flushed with annoyance.| ~ at/over, ~ with her annoyance with him over his failure to cooperate
PHRASES a look of annoyance There was a look of annoyance on his face.| a source of annoyance A dog that barks constantly can be a source of annoyance to the neighbors.| (much) to sb's annoyance I dropped out of university, much to the annoyance of my parents.
thing that annoys
ADJ. minor, petty A leaking roof is just one of life's petty annoyances!

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