an A for effort
*an A for effort
Fig. acknowledgement for having tried to do something, even if it was not successful. (*Typically: get ~; give someone ~.)
The plan didn't work, but I'll give you an A for effort for trying.
- act
- advance (up)on so or sth
- agreement
- a grip on sth
- air one's belly
- a late bloomer
- (all) balled up
- (almost) jump out of one's skin
- a movable feast
- an act of God
- ancient history
- angle for sth
- an itch to do sth
- apologize
- a power play
- append
- A prophet is not without honor save in his own country.
- arch over so or sth
- argue (with so) (over so or sth)
- arm
- arise from sth