arm in arm
arm (so against so or sth) (with sth)
a babe in arms
break one's arm patting oneself on the back
busy as a one-armed paperhanger
cost an arm and a leg
Forewarned is forearmed.
give one's right arm (for so or sth)
go arm in arm
Governments have long arms.
have a good arm
keep at arm's length from so or sth
keep so or sth at arm's length
Kings have long arms.
lay down one's arms
the long arm of the law
pay an arm and a leg (for sth)
put the arm on so
receive so with open arms
a shot in the arm
Stretch your arm no further than your sleeve will reach.
stroll arm in arm
strong-arm tactics
take up arms (against so or sth)
twist so's arm
up in arms
walk arm in arm
welcome so with open arms
- acquaint so with sth
- adjourn for a time
- admire
- admonish so for sth
- a free hand (with so or sth)
- agenda
- a howdy and a half
- a kick in the (seat of the) pants
- a late bloomer
- allow some elbow room
- all right
- ally
- a lot of promise
- altar
- always chasing rainbows
- American
- Am I my brother's keeper?
- a mine of information
- an absent-minded professor
- an uphill battle
- a party to sth