act as so
act for so
act full of oneself
act high-and-mighty
act in earnest
act like a cold fish
act like oneself again
an act of faith
an act of God
an act of war
act out
act sth out
act tough on so
act up
act (up)on sth
act within one's rights
act young at heart
Act your age!
catch so in the act (of doing sth)
caught in the act
clean one's act up
get in(to) the act
get one's act together
go into one's act
a hard act to follow
in on the act
in the act (of doing sth)
It would take an act of Congress to do sth.
keep an act up
keep one's act up
keep up an act
keep up one's act
let so in on the act
put on an act
read so the riot act
a tough act to follow
- a fine how do you do
- against
- a grain of truth
- a jam session
- a knuckle sandwich
- a legend in one's own (life)time
- (all) dressed up
- all of a size
- all the rage
- almighty
- a loose cannon
- a lot of promise
- a mixed bag
- and
- an itch for sth
- an old wives' tale
- answer
- answer to the description of so
- a past master at sth
- approval
- a raw deal