amble along (sth)
amble along (something)
to walk along slowly and casually somewhere.
They ambled along the path.
I was just ambling along, minding my own business, when I tripped.
- a catch to it
- accordance
- a chink in one's armor
- action
- admit sth to so
- a dust bunny
- a full plate
- ain't got a grain of sense
- a (little) short on one end
- (all) at sea (about sth)
- All righty.
- All that glistens is not gold.
- All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
- a mere trifle
- Am I right?
- among
- an old hand at doing sth
- a notch below (so or sth)
- An ounce of common sense is worth a pound of theory.
- answer for so or sth
- apply (to so or sth) (for sth)