All righty.
All righty.
Inf. All right.; OK.
Tom: Let's go to the state fair. Bill: All righty, let's do that.
Everybody ready? All righty, then, let's get started.
- administer sth to so or an animal
- aegis
- a feeling about sth
- a free hand (with so or sth)
- agree (with sth) (in sth)
- a handle on sth
- a jack of all trades is a master of none.
- (all) at sea (about sth)
- All that glistens is not gold.
- all thumbs
- an even break
- an offer one cannot refuse
- answer the call (of nature)
- Anything new down your way?
- apple-polisher
- a rocky road
- arrive (somewhere) (up)on the stroke of some time
- as all get out
- As a man sows, so shall he reap.
- as a matter of fact
- a sharp tongue