a man after my own heart
a man after my own heart
Fig. a man with similar tastes and preferences to mine.
You like creamed chipbeef on toast? There's a man after my own heart.
- absent oneself from so or sth
- act young at heart
- admonish so for sth
- a fire under so
- after so or sth
- a gnashing of teeth
- a hive of activity
- ain't fittin' to roll with a pig
- a kind of sth
- (all) over again
- All's fair in love and war.
- all the same
- all told
- A man is known by the company he keeps.
- a Mecca for so
- among
- an about-face (on so or sth)
- an A for effort
- analysis
- and this and that
- another pair of eyes