and this and that
and this and that
and more; and other miscellaneous things.
Mom sent me some pillowcases, some sheets, a couple of blankets, and this and that.
The repairman tightened some screws, fiddled with some bolts, and this and that.
- A chain is no stronger than its weakest link.
- a clean sweep
- administer
- advise so on so or sth
- a fate worse than death
- affiliate
- affiliate (so or sth) to so or sth
- afoul
- afraid
- a kick in the butt
- a ladies' man
- align sth with sth
- alive and well
- along in years
- a love-hate relationship
- A man is known by the company he keeps.
- a matter of opinion
- amble
- a mental block (against sth)
- Am I right?
- angry