someone of no significance. (From horse racing, used of a horse that finishes a race but that does not finish among the money winners.)
Oh, he's just another also-ran.
Ignore the also-rans.
- above and beyond (sth)
- a crick in one's back
- admit
- affix sth to so or sth
- after so or sth
- after the fact
- a king's ransom
- a ladies' man
- (all) in one breath
- all spruced up
- All that glistens is not gold.
- all the rage
- a look-see
- always chasing rainbows
- amalgamate with sth
- ambulance
- a mile a minute
- amok
- an about-face (on so or sth)
- and so forth
- An idle brain is the devil's workshop.